(Originally posted June 14th, see updates at bottom)
At the end of Part 3 we had just learned that the 2012 Olympic games were to feature a recreation of Glastonbury Tor, also known as Avalon, the final resting place of King Arthur. We saw that this seemed to tie in with an opening to "the underworld."
I posted that two days ago. Yesterday (a day later) my wife and I wrapped up our two month marathon of watching the full Twin Peaks series (which I had never seen in its entirety and hadn't seen any of since it first aired in the 90s). While the characters are closing in on the entrance to the Black Lodge--a sort of hellish underworld...
...imagine my surprise when they find their entrance to be a place called "Glastonbury Grove"--so named for its English counterpart!

With a sync like a fu3king smack in the face, there's no doubt that we're on the right track. Trust me, there's a ton more. No choice now, let's go into the underworld and see what's there . . .
In Twin Peaks, once Dale Cooper enters the Black Lodge, he finds himself confronted with a version of the Venus de Milo, evoking the recent Venus Transit and Goro Adachi's focus on the symbolism within.
As he notes, the Venus pentagram is also found at the center of the apple.
Today Obama came to the Big Apple, visiting the WTC, and looked into the Dead-Pools (9/11's new alchemical baths [see also: 9/11's old alchemical baths]) with a misplaced laugh.
Obama gets a big laugh overlooking the Dead Pools (video)
President Obama and the First Lady arrived at Ground Zero Thursday to review the reconstruction effort and sign their names on one of the final steel beams to be added to the One World Trade Center tower. After Air Force One landed in Queens, the First Couple took a helicopter into Manhattan and then a motorcade ride through police-barricaded streets over to Ground Zero, pulling in a few minutes before 6 p.m. A White House official said they would be venturing up to the 22nd floor of the tower, due to be the Western Hemisphere's tallest skyscraper, at a symbolic 1,776 feet, when it is completed.
Of course, Obama travels to the 22nd floor or "22 Story". Not only does this evoke another Tarot narrative (with the 22 Trumps) but another 9/11-resonating 22nd floor that also happens to be a gateway to a sort of hellish underworld. I'm speaking, of course, of Ghostbusters.
22nd Floor in Ghostbusters opens upon this:

Via Brizdazz/Darren, the 2012 London Olympic stadium lights...
I say Ghostbusters resonated with 9/11 for many reasons. For one, there's this scene where they start to discuss a building specifically designed to open a gateway, then they mention the Sixth Seal and the camera pans to the WTC...
...recall that Osama, the theoretical perpetrator of 9/11, was killed by Seal Team Six.
I've also written a number of times that I view 9/11 as an enactment of the myth of Osiris and Isis, with Manhattan island as the severed phallus of Osiris inseminating the Statue of Liberty (Isis) which is under that cloud of 9/11 "smoke"...
This ridiculous image made the rounds shortly after.
I've also written a number of times that I view 9/11 as an enactment of the myth of Osiris and Isis, with Manhattan island as the severed phallus of Osiris inseminating the Statue of Liberty (Isis) which is under that cloud of 9/11 "smoke"...
...Ghostbusters again entrains with the castrated Osiris, with the classic "Dickless" scene...
...and makes the foreshadowing rather explicit in Ghostbusters 2, where they ponder whether "Liberty is naked under her toga" (Isis unveiled) and then proceed to circle-jerk and bukkake all over the goddess to ignite the Lamp Oil in her Torch...
The gateway in this case is everyone's favorite "9/11 Stargate" which may well be the same thing as "the Aeon of Horus." Back in March I showed how the constellation of Horus was rising directly over the WTC site as the events of 9/11 unfolded...

Since then I've also confirmed something else. (Truth be told, I was kinda sitting on this one for the new book, but there's a lot going on right now and I think everyone's cards need to be on the table.) Not only is Horus above in the sky, but he is below, directly in line with all this:
Even though it seems that everyday many of us are picking up on the same energetic cues, and I often feel like I am beyond being surprised by strange synchronicities, I was stunned when Goro drew attention to the Planet of the Apes/Cloverfield connection in all this.
I had also been looking into this because, with our little holy Egyptian trinity in place, I wondered if there was a Set connection. You see, in the mythology, Isis is decapitated during the fight between Horus and Set. This puts Kotze's Escape from New York 9/11 Stargate into a bit of a new context.
In 1995 specifically, there were two more pieces of media that portrayed Isis decapitations.
There is a new Batman movie about to come out, the third in the current run, and we've been looking at the Obama connection to these . . .
As Obama is everyone's favorite two-faced smiling killer, who also resonates with the shadowy mirror personality again and again, let's recall 1995's Batman Forever, the third Batman movie of that particular run, where we see Tommy Lee Jones' character "Two-Face" crash a helicopter into our fair lady.
(June 1995)
There was an X-Men comic that did something really f-ing similar, but with a fascinating twist. Note that this story came out 4 months before Batman Forever (by DC comics' direct competition). This was a storyline called "The Age of Apocalypse" and was heavily focused on time travel, where someone goes back in time and kills the X-Men's Professor X and a very dark It's a Wonderful Life plays out. The world without Professor X is is a world where all humans are slaves (not unlike Planet of the Apes).
Everything in this alternate timeline is a dark reflection of the world we know. And, in place of The Statue of Liberty is a statue of Apocalypse, the ruler of this world.
The word "Apocalypse" means "lifting the veil" so putting Apocalypse in the place of Liberty/Isis is literally an "Isis Unveiled"!
I've been thinking about this 1995 "Age of Apocalypse" comic for a few months, but a specific detail from the new Olympic games announcement brought it back to mind: "Boyle had already revealed that the three-hour opening ceremony would be titled Isles of Wonder, a title based on a speech by Caliban in Shakespeare's The Tempest that will be referenced throughout the four ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games." Wikipedia tells us that "The name Caliban is an anagram of the Spanish word canibal (Carib people), the source of cannibal in English. The character may be seen as a satire on 'Noble cannibal' from Montaigne's Essays (A.30, 'Of Cannibals')... Alternatively the name may originate from the Arabic word for 'wild dog'." Consider that with all the Cannibal stories in the news and the recent Sirius (Wild Dog) rituals we've noted. Caliban is also a Marvel Comics character, who is a member of the "Morlocks", and lives in the sewers under Manhattan (reinforcing the Olympic "Underworld" connection). In the comics, we learn that Caliban was genetically engineered by the guy standing in the eye of Liberty/Apocalypse above, who walks out of the eye leaving a bomb behind. Again, even in this alternate universe, we see this version of Liberty get decapitated.
I've been thinking about this 1995 "Age of Apocalypse" comic for a few months, but a specific detail from the new Olympic games announcement brought it back to mind: "Boyle had already revealed that the three-hour opening ceremony would be titled Isles of Wonder, a title based on a speech by Caliban in Shakespeare's The Tempest that will be referenced throughout the four ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games." Wikipedia tells us that "The name Caliban is an anagram of the Spanish word canibal (Carib people), the source of cannibal in English. The character may be seen as a satire on 'Noble cannibal' from Montaigne's Essays (A.30, 'Of Cannibals')... Alternatively the name may originate from the Arabic word for 'wild dog'." Consider that with all the Cannibal stories in the news and the recent Sirius (Wild Dog) rituals we've noted. Caliban is also a Marvel Comics character, who is a member of the "Morlocks", and lives in the sewers under Manhattan (reinforcing the Olympic "Underworld" connection). In the comics, we learn that Caliban was genetically engineered by the guy standing in the eye of Liberty/Apocalypse above, who walks out of the eye leaving a bomb behind. Again, even in this alternate universe, we see this version of Liberty get decapitated.
(Factor-X #1, March 1995)
What makes this all the more intriguing is that the Statue of Liberty is well known to be a stand-in for Isis, but the Apocalypse character, back in a 1988 comic, revealed himself as Set, Osiris' brother and slayer!
So here we are. We've found Osiris, Isis and Horus and now an alternate world with Set at the same location. But this is just a stupid comic from 1995, why should that matter? Well, it matters because when the X-Men restore the timeline and undo the hellish mirror world of the "Age of Apocalypse", many of the characters find themselves transported to a space station called AVALON! [remember, Avalon and Glastonbury are the same thing]
This is mind blowing when we realize that in our current reality there is a space station, named for Isis, that is performing a ritual that is syncing it with Avalon (also known as Glastonbury)!
And, my watching the same story play out on Twin Peaks at the same time, enforces this idea. In Twin Peaks, Glastonbury Grove is the "opening to a gateway" to another world and, in the show, is also connected to deep space research and Project Bluebook.
There's so much more. Check back soon.
UPDATE (6/16 12:27PM)
(Shenzhou is variously translated as "Divine Craft", "Divine Vessel")
A Saudi heir dies (KingKill) while "Shenzhou 9", the craft of the Divine 9, launches. That should remind everyone that Scotty's ashes were just taken up on this pivotal SpaceX launch (on the "Falcon 9" rocket)...
...and, more specifically, it should remind everyone of this:
UPDATE (6/17 3:05PM)
This is what I'm talking about. This is exactly what I'm talking about.
Also, note that many of the Cannibal stories are from people high on "BATH Salts"
(see Lambspring 13 & 14)
UPDATE (6/20 1:19AM)
Well, for those playing along at home, that makes another King down.
The suggestion I was making with the pyramid star shafts was their use in sending Egyptian kings off to the next world and Mubarak, as the modern day King of Egypt, went out with the New Moon on the eve of the solstice. Astrologically, his death has all the precision of the Heaven's Gate suicide cult.
And, as Sibyl points out, he even fills the watery deathbed quotient by dying in an Arab "Spring"
UPDATE (6/21 9:27AM)
I saw Maya Alexis this solstice morning and she asked me if I had seen the recent NY Post cover with Obama taking the place of Liberty. I said I had not and quickly set about tracking it down when I got home. Absolutely stunning timing.
UPDATE (6/16 12:27PM)
(Shenzhou is variously translated as "Divine Craft", "Divine Vessel")
A Saudi heir dies (KingKill) while "Shenzhou 9", the craft of the Divine 9, launches. That should remind everyone that Scotty's ashes were just taken up on this pivotal SpaceX launch (on the "Falcon 9" rocket)...
...and, more specifically, it should remind everyone of this:
(The Orion correlation theory was first put forward by Robert Bauval in 1983. One night, while working in Saudi Arabia...)
UPDATE (6/17 3:05PM)
This is what I'm talking about. This is exactly what I'm talking about.
Also, note that many of the Cannibal stories are from people high on "BATH Salts"
(see Lambspring 13 & 14)
UPDATE (6/20 1:19AM)
Well, for those playing along at home, that makes another King down.
The suggestion I was making with the pyramid star shafts was their use in sending Egyptian kings off to the next world and Mubarak, as the modern day King of Egypt, went out with the New Moon on the eve of the solstice. Astrologically, his death has all the precision of the Heaven's Gate suicide cult.
And, as Sibyl points out, he even fills the watery deathbed quotient by dying in an Arab "Spring"
UPDATE (6/21 9:27AM)
I saw Maya Alexis this solstice morning and she asked me if I had seen the recent NY Post cover with Obama taking the place of Liberty. I said I had not and quickly set about tracking it down when I got home. Absolutely stunning timing.
Recall also:
Great post. I watched 2010 last night and when the new star is born /gateway opens, everyone has to get the hell out of the way before the explosion which is really an implosion (black hole?). With all the 42 and Jupiter syncs going around, I was wondering if there was a specific place in NYC that resonated Jupiter as well.
ReplyDeleteWell, besides the Millen[n]ium Monolith on one side of the WTC, there's what Knowles calls the Stairway to Sirius, directly on the other side of the WTC. Inside this structure, at the top of the Winter Garden, is a literal Stairway with a circular "echo spot" (see a photo of when I went there with Doug in January). Next time I was in the area, I went back to that echo spot and counted the "sun-rays" eminating from the echo circle. Surprise, surprise... 42
ReplyDeleteHere's a better picture of the staircase with wcho-spot sun-disk at the top.
It should be noted that this staircase climbs to look directly upon the WTC.
Liberty has been replaced by Apocalypse--"you blew it up!"
ReplyDeleteThe Stairway to Sirius (Jacob's Ladder) is in the tip of Osiris' phallus . . .
This is major, Alan. Great research. I actually just watched Twin Peaks a couple of weeks ago. I knew there was something syncy going on - at the time I equated the endless loop of the Black Lodge with Mark Leclair's VALIS loop talk. When I watched it, I had no idea that the series wasn't supposed to end that way. I took it as just a very, very dark ending.
ReplyDeleteIn BG lore this is the Eye of Jupiter. Definitely at Ground Zero there, Captain!
ReplyDeleteWe just had the (black) Lodge Sports Bar open in Kirkland last week.
I see the unfinished pyramid is nearing completion and should be open before the games begin.
Shard London Bridge's structure was completed in April 2012, and it will open to the public on 5 July 2012.
It is the tallest building in the European Union. It is also the second-tallest free-standing structure in the United Kingdom, after the 330-metre (1,083 ft) concrete tower at the Emley Moor transmitting station.
You might like this post I did about the opening and closing dates
ReplyDelete(July 27th - August 12th) of this year's
Olympic Games and the synchromystic weirdness surrounding them;
Andras gets a mention too,since his birthday is August 12th.
In fact that was the original reason that sparked my research into those dates.
That his birthday (August 12) was the day Cecil B De-mile died and the Olympics will close on that day...the rest just followed from there.
You may even find some more weird stuff that I missed involving those dates?
Just about the "doppelganger": do you know what's a "tulpa" ? Alexandra David Néel described it in her book "mystiques et magiciens du Tibet".
ReplyDeleteAnyone else notice that Rodney King's fund has been taken over by "Kali"?
Kali Bouvier
DeleteHa! Exactly what I was thinking.