I had told you to keep an eye on the "Jack and Jill" aspect of 11/11/11, knowing that we'd get a strong echo of
our April 28th post about Jack and JLL, which involved Jared Lee "Loner" and came to end with the shooting of one Lion King (Osama) by the other Lion King (Obama).
So let's take a look at the events of that day and see if our hunch was correct.
Does that remind anyone of the Osama raid?
It should...
Or, what of the
Seal Team 6 members, who reportedly were the ones to carry out the Osama shooting,
who themselves were later killed in a helicopter crash? I would argue that was also a political assassination, aimed at covering up evidence that the Osama thing was a complete farce.
It's actually funny, as earlier last week, I began editing a video showing additional SpiderMan sync-age to the "9/11 Stargate" that had never been discussed before. ... I'll try to finish that soon.
But, if we need any more connection between 9/11 and the Mexican helicopter crash on 11/11/11, we can observe the "odd coincidence" involving a jet crashing into a metropolitan center:
Alright, enough of that for now. If you want to keep SpiderMan in the back of your mind, that might be helpful, but we've got even bigger 11/11/11 Jack and Jill resonance to consider...
In our April 28th post, one of the major factors that we dealt with was that the King who would be shot in the head would resonate with the "AntiChrist." . . . I feel the need to remind everyone that I am not saying I believe in an AntiChrist, I am merely pointing out that this figure would resonate with that archetype.
Obviously, we can see how Osama resonated with the AntiChrist archetype, as he was considered to be leading a jihad against "the christian west" and was of course America's public enemy #1.
But, I had made the point that Osama's mirror also has been called the AntiChrist
Obama and Osama continue to be mirrored in this strange pattern, as we saw on 11/11/11, when a man fired shots at the White House. And why did he do this?
Oh, because he thought Obama was the AntiChrist. Exactly.
Sources tell CBS News that Ortega-Hernandez was not on the radar of the Secret Service before Friday's shooting. But investigators believe he may have targeted the White House due to a hatred of President Obama. Businessman Monte McCall, said Ortega-Hernandez compared the president to the "Antichrist" when they met recently."
He seemed very sincere in what he believed but seemed rather troubled," McCall said.
Authorities are investigating the man's mental health and say there are indications he believed attacking the White House was part of a personal mission from God, according to two different law enforcement officials who spoke with The Associated Press. There are also indications the man had become obsessed with Obama and the White House, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.
Shots were fired at the building Friday night. Agents discovered Tuesday that one of the two bullets hit the exterior and a second cracked a window on the second floor residential level, just behind the rounded portico visible from the south side of the White House.
That bullet was stopped by protective ballistic glass. The window that was hit is in front of the so-called Yellow Oval Room, which is in the middle of the family's living quarters.
The "Yellow Oval Room" has 3 windows and 3 doors, giving us a nice "33" -as does the date 11+11+11, of course.
the Original KingKill33 and Lady Die in the Yellow Oval Room, with Reagan (whose assassination attempt involved Stargate-resonating Jodie Foster ...please refer to
this June post for more on that)

(More Yellow Oval Room photos here)
Also notable is that the King Kill Kennedys (or K.K.K. or 11.11.11, "K" being the 11th letter of the alphabet) decided to redecorate the Yellow Oval Room during their stay in the White House. The Kennedy restoration chose the decor of Louis XVI, an interesting choice: Louis XVI (23 August 1754 – 21 January 1793) was a Bourbon monarch who ruled as King of France and Navarre until 1791, and then asKing of the French from 1791 to 1792. Suspended and arrested as part of the insurrection of 10 August during the French Revolution, he was tried by the National Convention, found guilty of high treason, and executed by guillotine on 21 January 1793 as a desacralized French citizen known as "Citoyen Louis Capet". He is the only King of France ever to be executed.