Hour Two (for Red Ice members)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Gad Is Dead: Part 2
I put this story up on the Sync Book Facebook page yesterday and it's been making the rounds for the last 24 hours. The story is that "a bad Sitcom predicted Gaddafi's Death in '87," with the story as follows:
"In 1987, the still-young Fox network put a show on the air called Second Chance. It was a sitcom with a premise almost as tortured as some of Gaddafi’s most outspoken critics: A man dies in the year 2011, and is sent back to earth by St. Peter to earn his spot in heaven. ... In the prologue to the pilot, none other than Col. Gaddafi enters, having died on July 29, 2011. So the prediction was a little short of three months off, but still pretty impressive."
While the "prediction" aspect is quite interesting, I find myself drawn to the way this fits into the larger pattern. The syncs here are actually fairly astounding. For one, there's the Time Travel theme that has not gone away. Of course, Libyan "terrorists" make us think of Back To The Future, but in this 1987 show, directly after Gaddafi dies, we have another amazing parallel:

And, to be sure, this is a powerful moment in time. The US government is getting even bolder about assassinating people (see: Hillary Clinton calling for Gaddafi's death a day or two before he died) and invading countries like throwing darts at a map (or "in lover's eyes," as Eleleth would remind us). But I'm not even talking about the day-in day-out machinations of fascist bottom-feeders, I'm talking about this very specific point in time. So many of the major stories are popping today, everything from an announced Iraq "withdrawal" to the BP oil spill. As to the Iraq "withdrawal," I'm sure we are all set to be disappointed on that one; time shall tell how many "independent contractors" stay there and where the troops get redeployed (how many countries has this Nobel Peace Prize-Winning War Criminal invaded so far?), but the symbolism is certainly present. It's actually funny, when I saw Obama's speech yesterday on the killing of Gaddafi, his line "you have won your revolution," instantly made me think of G.W.B.'s "mission accomplished."

At 7:07 into the video: "that's right, we've gone back in time."
Then there's the timing of Gad's Death coinciding with Harold Camping's revised "rapture" date. What Camping was predicting was the final "divine judgment," and here we have this oddly synced TV show which is literally about being judged by God.

PS: Anyone else find it interesting that the last KingKill (Osama) was in May, near Camping's first "rapture" date, and this Gaddafi follow-up coincides with his second date?
Our very own Libyan Sibyl just tweeted: Important events do occur on Harold Camping dates...just not the rapture. He may have ability to see energy shifts, but misinterprets them
As if we hadn't emphasized this enough, the KingKill is intimately tied to "the confrontation with the shadow" and Obama's line about Gaddafi's death "lifting the shadow of tyranny" only serves as a blunt reminder of that (as well as an allusion to "lifting the veil").
But, there was another line in that speech, just a few seconds before "you have won your revolution," that was even more revealing...at least in my eyes. You see, over the last two days I've been going back and reading some old posts, looking for the throughlines, in an effort to better understand the reoccurring themes in our pattern watching and maybe get a better understanding of the strange attractor that I feel this is leading towards.

Well, "the x-factor" (if you will) that I still find myself drawn to is the Norway Spiral. As everything in our pattern watching comes together again and again, collapsing into a more specific wave-form of narration, I can't help but notice this persistent echo keeps popping back up. So, the night before Gad's Death, I decided to go back and re-read the very first blog post I ever did on the Norway Spiral (and the second post ever on this blog), a post that I called "The Long and Winding Road." Also remember that the Norway Spiral actually coincided with Obama's Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. Imagine then my surprise (or lack thereof) when Obama drops that phrase into his metaphor-laden speech.
"We're under no illusions, Libya will travel a long and winding road to full democracy. There will be difficult days ahead. But the United States, together with the international community, is committed to the Libyan people. You have won your revolution."
And, if you wish to find meaning in it, consider that, at 6:05 into the Second Chance video at the top, Saint Peter explains that the main character must travel back in time because he is a "Blue Light."

King Kill 51,
Norway Spiral,
Time Travel/Control
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Gad Is Dead

Well, based on yesterday's post, it seems like the latest KingKill is right on schedule.

This is so very much a mirror of the others, I don't think I even need to rehash it all. Just a few quick interesting tid-bits:

Flashback to Mask Of God:
We had paid attention when Brad Pitt was "devoured" by the Lion King.

Jon Kidd makes the BradPitt/HeadShot connection clear in this video:
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
the Grail King's Cup of Coffee

Longtime readers will know that I have been tracking a pattern that deals with the opening of a "second Stargate" ... some sort of strange sequel to Kotze's 2001 Stargate. We've followed this narrative for so long now, and seen enough of the twists and turns, that I feel more and more convinced that this particular narrative is really worth paying attention to.
We've seen the memes merge. We've seen different, seemingly-separate, major events come together like the tributaries of something much larger.
This "second Stargate,"which is often seen as "the Japanese Stargate," first started to get really loud for me at the end of 2010. The pattern we tracked, and what I saw as intimately tied to this, was an imminent nuclear disaster. Then, of course, we had the Fukushima event in early 2011.
About a month later, I saw the next step as a KingKill/Rebirth of the King taking place in concert with the Royal Wedding. That weekend we watched as Osama ("Osama" means "King" in Japanese) was killed by Obama, who revealed his [re]birth certificate days earlier. Obama even went so far as to declare himself the "Lion King." In a follow up piece, I wrote that this KingKill/Rebirth would lead to the opening of the Second/Japanese Stargate.
This may seem like a longwinded intro to a very small story, but I thought this little recap was important to show why I felt like this fluff-piece needed to be highlighted.

...One of the very first things I wrote about the Second/Japanese Stargate was a pattern that focused on a coffee cup as harbinger of a "tear in the fabric of space."
Addendum: Decided on doing a quick google of "Coffee Holy Grail" and came up with this NY Times blog entry from 9/11

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Ghost in the Mirror
About two weeks ago, I had dinner with a few friends from work. They were aware that I had just finished working on The Sync Book and they knew that it had something to do with magic. So, they asked for my opinion on a bunch of topics not really covered in the book (which takes magic as an esoteric study), but more along the lines of the "Supernatural" and experiences with ghosts and such. They talked about their supernatural experiences and I talked about mine (which include quite a few encounters with what might be considered poltergeists - most of these involve a particular house I lived in when I was younger). While these could be a topic for future blog posts, that's not really why I asked you here today.

At this dinner, while sharing "ghost stories," one of these guys pulls up a YouTube video of a Japanese girl looking into 3 mirrors. At some point, she turns around and one of her reflections "stays." Watch it here:
Yesterday, my wife and I went to the library and ended up grabbing two DVDs. One was Disney's Atlantis, only to come home and find a post on Mask of God about the same movie. The other was this strange Japanese movie, called House, that called out to me for some strange reason. I knew nothing about it and there was very little info on the DVD case (I actually thought it was going to be an animated movie), but it just seemed like I should pick it up. I turns out to be a crazy trippy horror-ish movie that was one mind fu3k after another. Anyway, about an hour into the movie, we see the main girl walk into a room with a similar 3 mirror set up as that YouTube clip.

I turn to my wife and say "I want to see her sit in front of those mirrors and brush her hair and then turn around and have one reflection stay, like in that YouTube clip we saw two weeks ago."
The movie cuts away to another scene for about 5 minutes, then cuts back to the room where the girl is brushing her hair and this happens:

Now, I am left with a question. To me, this wasn't exactly a normal "sync wink," but perhaps it was. Perhaps I somehow "knew" this sync was waiting for me and grabbed the movie because of it. Or, perhaps I manifested a desired reality...sort of creating an "intentional sync." That would be what we call "real magic."
The question, what role does an observer of media have in its actual creation, can be compared to the double slit experiment. Please take an additional 5 minutes of your day and watch this:
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
it's all The Rage these days
Sunday, October 2, 2011
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