Before we get into the specifics, a quick disclaimer: We’re going to touch on a lot of religious themes that some people take very literally and very seriously. I am looking at these – as we always do here – for the value they have as universal archetypes. I do not subscribe to, nor am I promoting (or disparaging) any particular religious system. Although, in all fairness, I make an exception for the small sects of Evangelicals and Zionists that are actively trying to bring about War in the Middle East to fulfill religious prophecy. Guys killing in the name of God? Yeah, I would have a few disparaging remarks (and kicks to the groin) for them.
Oh, and while we’re on the note of prophecy – that’s not a business I’m in and I don’t ever wish to bill myself as such. However, in the process of doing this blog it has come to my attention that Synchronicity/Synchromysticism has this strange side effect of revealing what we would consider as future events. After pointing out a pattern that screamed “nuclear disaster” coinciding with Solar themes and aliens for a few months, only to witness a nuclear disaster in “the land of the rising sun” on the day multiple alien-themed movies came out – let’s just say this little side effect of synchronicity has got my full attention. While I am pursuing this study more for personal development and enlightenment, we have proven time and time again that we are ahead of the curve. Because of this, I feel a certain moral obligation to take this seriously – and possibly learn how to hone this in order to save some lives. Plus, there’s a certain satisfaction in disproving purely linear models of time.
But okay, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover today, so let’s get to it.
This past Sunday (4/24) was Easter, and from its oldest interpretation to the modern Christian variation, it is a holiday that is meant to celebrate the Rebirth period we enter with Spring. With Christianity we get the royal language, notably the Prince and the King. It is the return of their “Prince of Peace,” the “Return of the King (of Kings).” We also get familiar themes like the rebirth of the deceased god after his descent into the underworld to which he opens the gates. The obvious Osiris comparisons will be made later on. This Easter was special however. That day, a story began circulating that the boys at CERN may have succeeded in finding the elusive “God Particle.” Reminders that the Vatican has been working with CERN and that they have a statue of Shiva the Destroyer of Worlds outside their gates, means that this may have been an intentional news item. For our purposes, the intent is secondary. Here we have emerging language of a “God” being discovered on the very day one is supposed to rise out of darkness.
Also, this Easter seemed to resonate strongly with Christmas – and while the distinction between the “Birth” of a God and the “ReBirth” of a God may seem trivial, I think it deserves some attention. Even in my personal syncs, I saw this Easter as heavy in Christmas language. Parts of my family celebrate modern Christian Easter and while spending the day with them there were two points at which small children were playing with a Charlie Brown Christmas clock, from which Christmas Carols played. Charlie Brown wears the sign of Aquarius on his chest. The Clock brings us again to the dying/reborn Father Time/Saturn/Osiris/Jesus. Also, some family members were watching a TV station that was showing reruns of really old sitcoms and I heard Christmas Carols coming from one of these episodes (though I don’t know what show they were watching). Christmas, the coming of “the newborn King.”
This language was repeated yesterday with the release of the much-touted Obama birth certificate. For archetype purposes only (since I cede no authority to him or any other “official”), Obama has played the role of “The King” again and again (although recently he was merely a Duke). With the release of the birth certificate (4/27), halfway between our Easter/Christmas(4/24) and the Royal Wedding(4/29), the King was “Born.”
Now tomorrow is the British Royal Wedding, where we will see the “Once and Future King” in the spotlight. The Obama resonance is added by the fact that the Royal couple got engaged in Kenya (the theoretical place of King Obama’s birth). But, on the same day, Obama will be attending the launch of NASA flight 134 – which is carrying the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, a device that is to look for “the dark universe.”
So, at the beginning of the week, CERN looks for “God,” and at the end of the week NASA looks for the “Nemesis.” With the search for the “God Particle,” CERN says they are attempting to “recreate the conditions directly after the Big Bang.” In Judeo-Christian terms this is “the light that shone at the creation of the universe.” Contrast that with NASA’s search for Dark Matter. Alpha and Omega. Creator and Destroyer. God and Devil. Christ and AntiChrist.
Funny thing about the AntiChrist. The top three contenders for the AntiChrist (within circles that look for such things) will all be in the spotlight tomorrow. Two of them will be together. All of them are interconnected. Here’s a rundown on our UnHoly Trinity: There’s Prince William – a lot of people think he may be the AntiChrist. Google it if you doubt me. Then there’s Obama – you’ve surely heard the speculation on that one.

Then there’s the lady that Obama will be hanging out with. Congresswoman Gabby Giffords (wife of NASA astronaut Mark Kelly who will be leading the mission to bring the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer into space) fits the criteria of the AntiChrist of Christian prophecy since she “recovered from a ‘fatal’ head wound.”
I’ve written about Gabby Giffords and the cluster of syncs that flung from that story many times. I didn’t mention it, but there was a personal reason for being so interested in that story. You see, mere days before that event, I began outlining a sequel to my novel, Look At All The Happy Creatures. The second novel was to begin with a mass shooting at a supermarket and one of the major plot points was to revolve around a Dark or UnHoly Trinity. So all this has really got me scratching my head.
Add to that, these fictional events stem out of the end of the first novel – which involves a giant blue light filling the skies, opening a mental stargate or a wormhole through which consciousness can travel.
Some might think of the Maitreya (viewed by some as a Messianic figure and others as an AntiChrist) who is supposed to be “heralded by a Blue Star.” But, if you’re like me, you’re now thinking back to the Norway Spiral, that big blue light that had everyone saying “WTF” and spawned a thousand theories as to what caused it. (See also: William Henry on RedIce for the Norway Spiral/Messiah connection). If you missed it, that happened the night before Obama accepted his very ironic Nobel [Prince of] Peace Prize in Oslo. So, we had Obama + Space + Big Blue Wormhole Thing. Now let’s compare that with the NASA mission patch for the launch he will be attending tomorrow:

Obama + Space + Big Blue Wormhole Thing.
Something I’ve written about before, there is a theory that the Norway Spiral may have been composed of Sapphires. So that spiral would be Rings of Sapphires. What did Prince William get engaged (in Kenya) with? A Ring of Sapphire of course!

At his Nobel coronation, Obama was called “An evolutionary flashpoint” by a William (Smith). Our other William is getting married to a woman named Katherine. This name itself echoes the Shiva statue at CERN since Chris explains the etymology:
Katherine can be broken down to Ka-Hathor-Ein or Ka-Athyr-Ein -- ein being the Greek suffix mean "to have" or "to be," and Ka meaning spirit or life force. Ka-Hathor-Ein would translate into "To Have the Spirit of Hathor." Saint Catherine is identified with the Sinai, which also housed the Cave of Hathor. The name "Kate" is the diminutive for Katherine.
And in his other post writes “some occultists see Hathor as Babalon, the Destroyer of Men.”
The link he included deals very much with the magical workings of Jack Parsons, co-founder of NASA’s sister organization Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and reminds us that he once referred to himself as the AntiChrist. If you’ve been following the “Pan” or “Pied Piper” syncs at Gosporn lately, you’ll be delighted to know that “Parsons would dance and chant poetry—most notably Crowley's ‘Hymn to Pan’—before rocket tests.” He’s a bit of a rabbit whole within himself and I don’t want to get too far off track, but he’s the “Jack” that I put in this Jack and JLL image on The Mask of God (where Babylon has been a favorite topic).
Let’s also consider that the “Broken Crown” (see also AntiChrist head wound) and KingKill33 is echoed by this end of NASA’s Endeavour program at Cape Canaveral or Cape Kennedy – so named for the slain King “Jack” Kennedy who received a fatal shot to the head himself. James Shelby Downard, author of King-Kill/33, also wroteThe Carnivals of Life and Death. Not only are the words Canaveral and Carnival similar, but Goro Adachi has connected all of these patterns to the Carnival in his in-depth “Lucifer’s Destiny” post. Obama also said yesterday, in reference to his Birth Certificate, “We're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers.”
In his post, Goro points out the similarities between the previous NASA mission patch to Stargate and The Core.
I had also connected this patch to The Ring of Fire and compared it to the Catholic baptism of Pentecost/WhiteSun “holy fire” called Confirmation, The Black Swan logo, and the Rebel Alliance logo from Star Wars (See also the false-flag assassinations of Natalie Portman/Queen Amidala and that of Obama). On Easter, I realized these also echo the anchor, something I connected to Obama and Japan at the MOG.

The Queen of Star Wars also takes us to the Twins. Mark Kelly, husband of Gabby Giffords, has an identical twin brother who is also an astronaut. NASA chose to reunite them on 3/17, the death date of Osiris (also known as Jack). With the connection between Osiris and the Twin Stars of Sirius, we can assume this was an intentional play on the part of NASA.
See also: Another famous “Twin,” Danny DeVito who played a Mr. Wormwood. Wormwood is the falling star from heaven that starts the Apocalyptic visions in the book of Revelations, another name for Chernobyl, and the psychoactive ingredient in Absinthe. We covered all of this months ago.
Similar to falling stars, we have comets. Mark’s Twin...Mark Twain? Twain was born with the passing of Halley’s Comet and died on its return. Comets have been a big pattern here and at the Mask of God.
The video I made for 3/17 (which my computer refuses to export) would have connected Gosporn’s look at Mark Twain’s time travel book “Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur’s Court” and the “Mysterious Stranger.” Here is a quick clip from the cartoon Home Movies, which seems to echo the Twain book and gives us insight into the mythological connections:
In Disney’s Robin Hood, the GreenMan also interacted with a variation of Ka or Kaa (and also deals with an usurped throne and a return of the rightful King.). In Egyption lore, the Apis Bull was considered the Ka of GreenMan Osiris (after he usurped the identity of Ptah). We had looked at the Bull/Taurus and the connection to comets in the last post. Note that a Torus is also a spinning vortex, (something we’ve seen a lot of lately with all the Tornados and the weirder vortexes). This spiraling vortex brings us back to a variation of the Catherine wheel.
A family crest was just made for the once and future King William’s soon to be bride, Katherine. Notable are the 3 Chevrons in the crest (said to represent mountains). I see those as the 3 great pyramids of Egypt. But, the episode of Sailor Moon (who is a total Isis resonator) I watched last night also featured a Chevron on a Catherine Wheel.
Amazing timing.
Speaking of amazing timing, two of the main components of CERN’s LHC (the thing looking for “the God Particle”) are called Alice and Atlas. Here in NYC, we just saw the premiere of a new Alice in Wonderland based musical “Wonderland” and in theaters we have an adaptation of “Atlas Shrugged,” a book that calls out Robin Hood as the ultimate symbol of evil.
But it was an episode of Sailor Moon that got me to start editing that intended 3/17 video.
"Even if Wyatt Earp forgives you, we won't forgive you!"
When I saw her call out Wyatt Earp, I pulled out the movie Tombstone. The main focus of the video became detailing the acting career of Sam Elliott as the companion to Osiris/GreenMan and guide of the underworld. Since I can’t just show you the video and why I think it is relevant, let me share with you an email exchange with Will Morgan of A Few Shot To Shaman because he had some great input, as he always does.
I watched "Tombstone" which had crazy syncs for the first 5 minute of the movie. Like one after the other. Then it occurred to me that Sam Elliott plays the brother of 9/11-resonant Kurt Russell, then he's the guide of 9/11 resonant Jeff Bridges in Big Lebowski, and then he's the original Ghost Rider who mentors 9/11 resonant Nick Cage. I started making a vid, but my computer was giving me a headache. It's basically edited, but I need to fix some of it up. I'll finish it sometime soon. I was wondering if you had any thoughts or additions.
Certainly. He's also the Guide in the Gold Compass. Wheres his Deamon is "THE" Deamon a phooka rabbit. And he's kinda specially attached to my phyce cause of his role in "Did You Hear About The Morgans"... Which is silly but had me thinking about him recently.
Bill Paxton is also in Big Love as well so believe it or not I was thinking about those 3 being linked with Kilmer. Its like a scatter cluster of Dead Men. Hence Tombstone.
Movies I wonder about him in would include The Hulk cause he's Thunderbolt Ross and J.C.onnely's dad, We Are Soldiers with Gibson, and the newer Up in The Air.
Nice! I had no idea about him being with the Pooka.
Those are awesome leads.
The crazy thing to me about the Earps is that they are technically real people (without questioning reality). But the names are so wild. Kurt Russell calls Morgan "Morg" pronounced like "Morgue" - and the other brother is Virgil. It was Virgil who took Dante on his tour of the underworld in Dante's Inferno. For these guys to end up in a place called Tombstone just makes my mind reel.
And of course the Hulk is the Green Man, Osiris, lord of the dead.
Oh, Virgil... Under that heading then he guides Lebowski through his purgatory. I like it. In fact you can kinda see how thats his role over and over... As the guide. Oh shit think Ghostrider.
Sam Elliot in Big Bang...[movie poster] Dropped recently.
And there’s a big part of it. CERN, trying to recreate the Big Bang. And now Sam Elliott plays Simon Kestral, a freaking scientist working on a particle collider trying to find the god particle. Really?!?! It’s insane. I think I’m going to have to see this movie. It comes out May 13th – that’s pretty darn timely.
I might have to save Sam Elliott for another post, because it’s longwinded, but he connects to comets – specifically the comet Chiron that Crystal wrote about recently (read this!), both by being the Mysterious Stranger and fighting at the OK Corral. Chiron, the son of Saturn, was a Centaur (half-man, half-horse) which can be represented by men on horseback or even men on motorcycles.
Here’s a taste:
Wyatt Earp, played by constantly Osiris-resonating Kurt Russell, arriving in Tuscon (where Gabby Gifford’s was shot).

Tuscon=Two Sun. He arrives on the 5150 train, a palindrome for Osiris’ 51 (3x17).

Obama birth certificate File# 151 (the same palindrome).
We’ve got repeated “Flash” syncs. Obama as “evolutionary Flashpoint,” “FlashForward” day on April 29, Time Travel and Sam’s Quantum Leap, and even the DC character The Flash from the Justice League (JL) meeting a Cosmic Motorcycle in a “prelude to next summer’s FLASHPOINT event.”
It’s all too much and I don’t want to try to jam it all in, but it’s all there.
More things to keep an eye out for: May 1st is Beltane and with that we get the fire ritual. Tracy Twyman has also connected that to a possible Prince William KingKill. Then there’s the sect of Christians who believe the (nonAnti)Christ is coming back on May 21st 2011, just a month out from all our similar language this week.

"Go through this slideshow of Donald Trump and imagine you're watching Back to the Future when Marty and the Doc are looking at a news story about Biff in the dark timeline. How Biff started his career, led a lucky and charmed life and is now running for president. It's hysterical to view this slideshow with that guise."

The congresswoman's husband greeted Obama in a corridor, saying: "I bet you were hoping to see a rocket launch today."Obama replied: "We were hoping to see you."The two men shook hands and embraced.The president told Endeavour's six astronauts he is still hoping to get back to Florida for a shuttle launch."One more chance, we may be able to get down here," Obama said."It's a priority for us," Michelle Obama added.

"The pope is being beatified on the day the church celebrates the movable Feast of Divine Mercy, which this year happens to fall on May 1"