For the last few months I've been writing about trends that are currently merging and emerging. (In fact, there seems to be a merging of themes that we've been covering throughout the year.) It would be too much to rehash it all here, but I highly recommend readers look over the archives, particularly from May onward. I'm going to do a quick rundown of items that stem out of these posts that I do not want to be overlooked.
Part 1 . . . The Dark (K)Night . . . Part 2 . . . Part 3 . . . Part 4 . . . Part 5
The big news right now is of course the Dark Knight shooting in Aurora. As we're all well aware, "Aurora" means "Dawn." This clues us in to the continuing astrologicaly echoed marriage of dark and light.
As I said in Part 2 "I think the Olympic torch entering Wales the same day as the Dragon docking with ISiS is pretty interesting what with the national flag for Wales being a huge f-ing dragon and Diana, the Princess of Wales, was so named for the moon goddess."
We also talked about the Olympic opening ceremony recreating "Glastonbury" or the burial place of King Arthur. Well, the closest thing England has to a King right now is Prince Philip (Queen Elizabeth's husband) who just so happens to also be married to Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.
The animated Prince Philip also fights a huge f-ing dragon and drops it into a huge pit of fire.
Loren Coleman from Copycat Effect has been pointing out that Colorado means "Color Red" and that the shooter's middle name means "Fiery." Since the shooting was at the Dark KNIGHT, I can't help but think of the fiery Red Knight who is actually a version of the crazed shooter who kills a bunch of people including Robin William's wife in the Fisher King.
All this "red" and "fire" becomes important again when we remember that we've been tracking the Olympic torch imagery in all this. When I brought up the Olympic/Twin Peaks connection, it was specifically because it signalled an opening of a "Gateway"
Now we learn that the Olympics and the "Gateway" are directly tied into the Aurora shooting...
"The Home of the OLYMPIANS - Gateway High School, Aurora, Colorado - the vicims of the Aurora Dark Knight Riseshoong were held at this high school."
Via StrangeEye
Now consider that when I first wrote about the Dark Knight in my May 30th post, I connected the movie to blackouts.Then the month of July started with all those blackouts in DC...
In his June 18th post, Michael from Gosporn ran with material from our GreatGigPart4 and connected it to the lady in red "gatecrasher"
(See also: Will Morgan's May 3rd SyncWhole post, specifically about "the Lady In Red")
Now Loren Coleman has also connected the Aurora shooter to "the lady in red." With that, we get this news item with another "lady in red" "Gatecrasher":
Now Loren Coleman has also connected the Aurora shooter to "the lady in red." With that, we get this news item with another "lady in red" "Gatecrasher":
Via RedIce
A Woman in Red gatecrashes the Olymic parade for India while India is suffering from massive blackouts or Dark (k)Nights. Very interesting.
Oh, and since all this has continually tied into the Space Race, don't forget that we had talked about SpaceX taking the ashes of another red-clad person up into space with them in Part 4 and Part 5.
Here's where it gets interesting. Scotty died on July 20th 2005. Same day as the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. Same day as the Aurora "joker" shooting.

Jack Nicholson as the Joker and as father to Danny "Apollo 11" Torrance in The Shining.
Wanna know how DC comics marked the Apollo 11 moon landing back in 1969?
"As you might have guessed already, they're not actually on the moon. They're actually just in some cave where the Joker has used his hijacked planetarium equipment to create a reasonably convincing simulacrum."
In other words, the Joker is projecting the lunar environment (aka "faking the moon landing" as Jason pointed out). Wouldn't that mean Batman is essentially in a movie theater on July 20th being attacked by the Joker?.....
There's a ton more but I'm trying to finish writing this book for you all. Stay tuned for updates....
In the meantime, you can listen to Always Record Episode 13 . . .
. . . and Always Record Episode 14 for more on this material.
In the meantime, you can listen to Always Record Episode 13 . . .

. . . and Always Record Episode 14 for more on this material.
