Isis Unveiled
Been thinking a lot about and having many syncs pointing in the direction of Henry VIII and his many killed wives. Then I see that there is a movie coming out called "Horrid Henry" featuring a purple "bloody" handprint...
Interesting to note that the recent Casey Anthony trial was compared to the OJ Simpson trial which was very much about the "Bloody Glove."
We wrote about all the ways the April KingKill event was a play on the Obama/Osama "devil twin" motif, so this movie about Saddam's Princely Son coming out around the same time as "Horrid Henry" is a bit foreboding.

Though, seeing him presented as the Golden Child of the New Aeon adds an interesting twist to the mix.
If you remember all the language around the Osama/Obama KingKill, there was a lot of stuff that dealt with the Cat King .... or Kat and the future King.

Marilyn, herself no stranger to the KingKill.

A very merry Un-Birthday
So, now Kat/Kate is being compared to Marilyn, who was compared with Kate's mother-in-law in a previous mega-ritual event.

Prince Charles wore black on his wedding day, seeming to indicate that Diana would die during the coniunctio of the Nigredo before being resurrected as Kate Middleton. (This appears to be a separate alchemical cycle, going on concurrently with our post-9/11 cycle.) And while the wedding of Diana and Charles was black, Prince William wore red, as if to proclaim indisputably that the Royal Wedding of Will and Kate represented the final coniunctio of the Rubedo stage.-Eleleth, from his SyncBook piece.
Remember, we also just saw Tori Spelling crash her car while trying to outrun the paparazzi (echoing the Diana crash). As we've mentioned, Torii is literally our Japanese Stargate (that was to come out of the KingKill).
Eleleth emailed me this image from a Japanese anime he had been writing about over on MaskOfGod.

I thought back to the opening lines of the Big Lebowski (spoken by Sam Elliot aka The Stranger, who we discussed in the April 28th KK post)...

(Click here if you can't make out the text)