Saturday, March 27, 2010
Circumpunct Breakfast: Video Teaser
The Prisoner: It's Your Funeral
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Lady Gaga and The Killer Bees
But then, I am left to wonder if he could have imagined the way in which music composition has fallen into the hands of the very same Fascists that he warned us about. We now live in a world where the sciences of Psychology, Marketing, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming have merged into a for-hire Ministry of Propaganda, whose skills are deployed by anyone willing to pay for them. The continuing scandal of Payola alone should be a big enough hint that the mainstream record labels and assorted culture creation factories that make up the mega-corporations’ media empire will push anything for the right price. We’re at the point where the songs on your radio are highly-produced corporate jingles and the music videos are nothing more than TV commercials with choreography. While I am fundamentally opposed to censorship in any form, I do think we should know what these ads are selling us – so that each one of us can examine on a personal level whether or not we’re buying into it.
*****Please watch this short clip of Derren Brown proving the frighteningly effective advances in NLP (The video has embedding disabled, click link above or here to watch on YouTube.)*****
Bear in mind, that while I write this, I am eating a bag of peanuts that I had an inexplicable craving for the other day. Melissa just pointed out to me that there is an ad campaign all over the subways here in NYC from the National Peanut Board. Echoing our look at “March Madness” and March 4th/5th in particular, she just found this:
"New York to Go Peanut Crazy in March
The National Peanut Board will turn New York City into Peanutopolis on March 4 and March 5 as it introduces its newest advertising campaign for America’s favorite legume, as well as a new slogan: "Peanuts: Energy for the Good Life."
Here’s another Derren Brown clip to ponder (again disabled for embedding - Click here to watch on YouTube.)
The Killer Bees:
In the post “Crazy 88s,” I wrote of the ever-present promotion of Nazism and related it to the movie “Kill Bill.” Mere weeks after that writing, Lady Gaga and Beyonce have now released a new video intensely laced with Nazi imagery and they even use the car from “Kill Bill” throughout it. The idea that these media puppets are promoting totalitarianism is not a new one, Beyonce had just taken the stage with dancing black-clad storm troopers during an award ceremony, after all. But “Kill Bill?” Really?

Monday, March 15, 2010
Ringing in the Ides of March
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Mystery of the Wandering Member
The native of Venice, California, hadn't been seen since Feb. 14, while visiting friends in Vancouver.
He was supposed to return home two days later. His parents reported him missing Feb. 18, then asked the public for help finding him a few days later.
On Tuesday, Vancouver police and three search-and-rescue teams looked for any signs of Koenig throughout Stanley Park, which covers more than 1,000 acres (400 hectares). Friends and family decided to try again on their own Thursday and one of them found Koenig's body near a marsh in a heavily wooded area about 100 feet (30 meters) off the Bridle Path. McGuinness said the body could not be seen from the walking path.
The elder Koenig, who played Pavel Chekov on the original "Star Trek" TV series, was nearby when the body was found. Hours later, Koenig and his wife, Judith, issued a statement at a police station in the park.
"Instead, it has always been there. I found it during the CT scan last year, when the mummy was lifted. It lay loose in the sand around the king's body. It was mummified," says Professor Zahi Hawass, chief of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities."
Per Newsweek:
"Tut’s tomb contained canes and what the scientists call “an afterlife pharmacy,” supporting the idea that he suffered from a condition that hobbled him."
Lyrics from "Detachable Penis"??
"I asked them to check the medicine cabinet
'cause for some reason I leave it there sometimes"
"Then, as I walked down Second Avenue towards St. Mark's Place, where all those people sell used books and other junk on the street, I saw my penis lying on a blanket next to a broken toaster oven.
Some guy was selling it.
I had to buy it off him.
He wanted twenty-two bucks, but I talked him down to seventeen."
2 * 17 = 34 = 7
3 * 17 = 51 = 6
4 * 17 = 68 = 14 = 5
5 * 17 = 85 = 13 = 4
6 * 17 = 102 = 3
7 * 17 = 119 = 11 = 2
8 * 17 = 136 = 10 = 1
9 * 17 = 153 = 9
10 * 17 = 170 = 8
11 * 17 = 187 = 16 = 7
12 * 17 = 204 = 6
13 * 17 = 221 = 5
14 * 17 = 238 = 13 = 4
15 * 17 = 255 = 12 = 3
16 * 17 = 272 = 11 = 2
17 * 17 = 289 = 19 = 10 = 1
Ötzi's natural mummification and dehydration in an Alpine glacier produced a "collapse of the genitalia", which left the Iceman with an almost invisible member.
"He would not make a bella figura today," Egarter says."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
March Madness (UPDATED!)

Purportedly started in 1953 — under a program that was exempt from congressional oversight — MK-ULTRA agents and “spychiatrists” tested radiation, electric shock, microwaves, and electrode implants on unwitting subjects. The ultimate goal of MK-ULTRA was to create programmed assassins ala The Manchurian Candidate. (The CIA also tested a wide range of drugs in the prospects of discovering the perfect chemical compound to control minds. LSD was one such drug that deeply interested CIA spychiatrists, so much so that in ‘53 the Agency attempted to purchase the entire world supply of acid from Sandoz Laboratories in Switzerland. In fact, for many years the CIA was the principal source for LSD, both legal and otherwise.)

"A blog connected to Bedell via the social networking site LinkedIn outlines his growing distrust of the federal government. It gives credence to the idea that a criminal enterprise run out of the government could have staged the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. It was one of several conspiracy-laden Internet postings linked to Bedell to surface since Thursday night's shooting. Authorities said Bedell had previous run-ins with the law. They found no known connection to terrorist groups or ideologies, investigators said."

"John Phillips Avlon...worked as chief speechwriter for former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani. He was Director of Speechwriting and Deputy Policy Director for Giuliani’s 2008 presidential campaign...Avlon was the youngest and longest-serving speechwriter in the Giuliani Administration as well as Deputy Communications Director. His work included helping prepare the Mayor’s State of the City Addresses for 1999 through 2001. After the attacks of September 11th, he and his team were responsible for writing the eulogies for all New York City Firefighters, New York City Police Officers, Port Authority Police Officers and other emergency workers killed in the destruction of the World Trade Center. Additionally, he served on the staff of the Bilingual Education Reform Task Force, the City Hall Park Restoration Committee, and the 2001 Charter Revision Commission, which established the Office of Emergency Management as a permanent city agency.
Avlon is married to Margaret Hoover, the great-granddaughter of President Herbert Hoover. Margaret Hoover...worked for Bush-Cheney 04, Inc. and was the Deputy Press Secretary to Florida Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart on Capitol Hill. She then held a White House appointment in the Bush Administration, and also served as a senior advisor to the Deputy Secretary in the Department of Homeland Security. Most recently, she has worked as Deputy Finance Director to Rudy Giulianis Presidential Exploratory Committee. She is a frequent contributor to Fox News’s O’Reilly Factor."
UPDATE (3/9):
Cisco Systems announced that they will "forever change the internet and its impact on consumers, businesses and governments." So, what was their incredible contribution to society? A router of enormous data-transfer capabilities. How enormous, you ask? What number of bits and bytes could possibly warrant mention in this post? Oh, how about 322 Tbps enormous!
Cisco posted this video on March 4th (same day as the Pentagon shooting and all the pieces began to fall into place):
There just got to be too many to list. Tons of major earthquakes, the Hutaree militia thing, high-level death threats and on and on.

- 3/12/10: A guy who worked at five nuke plants in the US is rounded up in a sweep of suspected Al-CIAda in Yemen. +++
- 3/14/10: Disney's Alice still #1 at the box office +++
- 3/17/10: Panasonic sells out of 3D television sets +++
- 3/20/10: The NY Post uses celebrity gossip to run a swastika on their front page.
- 3/21/10: Quakes in Cuba and Guatemala, Health Care vote, Jihad "is becoming as American as apple pie"
- 3/28/10: A day that will live in infamy?
- The Guardians of the Free Republic panic spreads far and wide. But there may be more to this story.Michael at Gosporn also points out that the Gotfre servers are doing quite well. Wonder who funds them?