Monday, September 19, 2011

the Lion King travels Back from the Future

I really have to run to get to work on time, but I felt this needed to be tossed out there. Long-time readers of this blog will know that 2011 has had a few reoccurring themes/patterns that have continued to pop up again and again. Two of these are the Lion King and Time Travel. Well, today a friend sent me this story from Gawker, about the Lion King being number one (see also: Who is Number 1?) at the box office and how this means we have traveled back in time.
After a week or two of intense Back To The Future syncs for myself and the crew at Mask of God, this seems all too appropriate.

I'll try to add more to this when I have the time. After all, "it's about time," right?


  1. Oh no...1994 was the year before I graduated high school. A teenager again? Bleh! No wonder I feel so out of sorts.

  2. had a cool Lion King/LOTR sync on the 9/11 anniversary, as everyone was remembering the Two Towers, I was outside on my patio and heard on TV in the background the Lion King commercial being advertised as "The Return of the King." We already have the connection of Obama and Simba from the white house press conference and then we have Obama saying "I am God, the God of Jacob" at the 9/11 anniversary memorial. My B2TF sync: On the same day, Michael J Fox appeared on Curb Your Enthusiasm and when Larry mentions hypothetically seeing one of his movies Fox replies, "Where are you going to see one of my movies? The last movie I made was in 1985. Now you're talking about time travel." a few days before this, the Nike Mag was released, without power laces tho :( Also noticed the logo of the orange Fox for his Parkinson's Charity is similar to the Fox logo on the little photo booth shop that the Lybian's VW bus crashes into in B2TF.

  3. I meant the white house correspondents dinner. wow, it's been a synctastic week! Please share your intense B2TF syncs, I'm dying to know what you caught...

  4. can't wait to read more alan!
    headline today: Lions roaring as road favorite

    Aquarius is most definitely a sign related to time travel technology, and the lion of course with Leo. With each astrological age, it is really an age of a polarity, so the opposite sign to Aquarius, Leo, will be highlighted too. Just as in the Age of Pisces, the opposite sign of Virgo has been a prevalent archetype as well - Jesus'(the Fisher King = Pisces) mother was the Virgin (Virgo)

    are the themes of time travel and lions together heralding the arrival of the new age?

  5. Elvis (Jan 8,1935), He was the KING of ROCK and ROLL. He combined White and Black sounds to cause him to be crowned the King. Barack Obama combines Black and White, literally, and the world has made him their KING.

    Lincoln, is the LION. The LION is KING of the Beasts of the Jungle. Martin Luther KING, renamed by his father after visiting Germany, from Michael King to Martin Luther King, in honour of the PROTESTANT activist. Martin Luther King is a KING. John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s initials are JFK, which translates as EYE FK = I FUCK, the name of the luciferian god. JOHN Kennedy and BOBBY Kennedy are remembered as the brothers, and together form another set B and J pillars (pillars the twin towers) of the luciferian agenda. The president of the United States is commonly referred to as the leader of the Free World, thereby making him KING. When the Messiah comes, he will be crowned KING, and that Messiah is coming, … and he’s coming through the Golden Gate, …right where the Lincoln Memorial coincides in San Francisco, with the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall. The Messiah may not be coming, but sure as hell, this is all being presented to create the reality whereby we will know HIM… when we see HIM. Of course, the Messiah is the CLEANING GUY, Mr. Clean, shall we say, and is the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Peace. The SANITATION aspect of Martin Luther Kings speech from the Mountaintop.

